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We had it before: odoo s.a. is crippeling the odoo 12 community edition

on 10/8/18, 6:04 PM 3,523 views

It is sad, but odoo s.a. deliberately and intentionally cripples the community version to make sure that there are enough features that will be needed by customers.

There is one web page currently up (https://failtodoo.com/) that is reporting about the way that odoo is treating the topic, and also links to development from others that are related to "news" that odoo claims to have "invented" for version 12 enterprise.

To make sure that the content is still there in some month to come, we have copied the content to a PDF file

On 10/10/18, 7:44 AM

That's sad.

Going down the list, you really see the names of a number of community-version "favorites".

really sad :(

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Asked: 10/8/18, 6:04 PM
Seen: 3523 times
Last updated: 10/10/18, 7:44 AM


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